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Do you know TM30 test report for strip light?

The TM-30 test, a technique for assessing the color rendering capabilities of light sources, including LED strip lights, is commonly referred to in the T30 test report for strip lights. When comparing a light source’s color rendering to a reference light source, the TM-30 test report offers comprehensive details about the color fidelity and gamut of the light source.

Metrics like the Color Fidelity Index (Rf), which gauges the average color fidelity of the light source, and the Color Gamut Index (Rg), which gauges the average color saturation, could be included in the TM-30 test report. These measurements offer important information about the quality of light that the strip lights create, especially when it comes to how well they represent colors over a wide range.
For applications like retail displays, art galleries, and architectural lighting, where precise color rendering is needed, lighting designers, architects, and other professionals may find the TM-30 test report to be crucial. It aids in their comprehension of how the light source will change how areas and objects seem when illuminated.

It’s helpful to check the TM-30 test report when assessing strip lights for particular applications to make sure the color rendering qualities meet project specifications. This can aid in picking the most suitable strip lights for the desired usage.
A thorough collection of criteria and metrics that offer in-depth insights into the color rendering capabilities of a light source, like LED strip lights, are included in the TM-30 test report. Among the important metrics and factors listed in the TM-30 report are:

The Color Fidelity Index (Rf) quantifies the light source’s average color fidelity in relation to a reference illuminant. When compared to the reference source, it shows how correctly the light source generates a set of 99 color samples.
The Color Gamut Index, or Rg, is a metric that illustrates how saturated an average color is when rendered by a light source in relation to a reference bulb. It offers details on how vibrant or rich the colors are in relation to the light source.


Individual Color Fidelity (Rf,i): This parameter offers in-depth details regarding the fidelity of certain colors, enabling a more thorough evaluation of color rendering throughout the spectrum.

Chroma Shift: This parameter explains the chroma shift’s direction and amount for each color sample, shedding light on how the light source influences color saturation and vibrancy.
Hue Bin data: These data give a thorough examination of how the light source impacts particular color families by breaking down color rendering performance across various hue ranges.

Gamut Area Index (GAI): This metric determines the overall change in color saturation by measuring the average change in the area of the color gamut generated by the light source in comparison to the reference illuminant.

All together, these metrics and characteristics provide a thorough understanding of how a light source, such LED strip lights, generates colors throughout the spectrum. They are useful for evaluating color rendering quality and figuring out how the light source will change the way that places and objects look when lighted.

Contact us if you want to know more test about LED strip lights!

Post time: Apr-27-2024

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